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Please the scheduled time in your calendar right now.

You will be speaking with one of our MLA Advisors:

Amanda Bellerby

Alonzo Lopez

The call will be on Zoom. Please check your email for the link.

Please show up on-time with no distractions.

We promise to do the same.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you grow!

- Sam Mollaei, Esq. and the My Legal Academy Team

"The volume of clients I'm signing up is really high right now. I can't keep track of all of the clients I'm signing up. I didn't expect these results within less than a year. It's pretty wild. I never imagined this."

- Chad Piotrowski, Esq.
Criminal Defense Lawyer

"It has been phenomenal. I never imagined I could operate in the way you set up, virtual and everything automated. 4 consultations booked within first day of launching. Your methods are effective."

- Crystal Lawson, Esq.
Trademark and Business Lawyer

"It's been phenomenal. My Calendly is booked out for a month and a half now. You provided more value than I could expect. You offered me a lot of value. Anything who goes through the program will see significant returns."

- Donovan Francis, Esq.
Immigration Lawyer

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Sam Mollaei, Esq.

As a legal disruptor, Sam pioneered the virtual law firm model...

Building 3 multimillion-dollar law firms from scratch in less than 5 years before the age of 33...

Generated over 20,000 law firm clients online...

Gathered over 3,500 5-star Google reviews for his law firm...

Received 4 ClickFunnels TwoCommaClub Awards as a lawyer...

And helps thousands of lawyers around the world 🌎 create their own profitable law firms through his online platform - My Legal Academy.

✅  Grown 3 law firms to multiple 7-figures
✅  Over 20,000 legal clients served
✅  3,500+ 5-Star Reviews on Google
✅  20,000 to 25,000 legal leads generated a month
✅  520+ lawyers joined My Legal Academy
✅  174+ lawyer success case studies and video testimonials
✅  Offering unique value based on RESULTS, not guess work
Sam is on a mission to liberate stressed and overwhelmed lawyers and lead them to wealth and freedom.

Sam Mollaei, Esq. and His Wife Receiving His 1st ClickFunnels TwoCommaClub Award at Funnel Hacking Live January 2020

Sam Mollaei, Esq. and His Wife Receiving His 2nd and 3rd ClickFunnels TwoCommaClub Award at Funnel Hacking Live November 2021

Sam Mollaei, Esq. and His Wife Receiving His 4th ClickFunnels TwoCommaClub Award at Funnel Hacking Live September 2022

Are You My Legal Academy's Next Success Story?

Mari Riberio

Business Immigration Lawyer

"The LegalFunnel 6 week course is that it totally exceeded my expectations because all of the resources that Sam has been providing for us went above and beyond! I'm talking like here's the exact language you need to be using as for how you're talking to your leads and actually getting your leads to sign up."

Darren Levitt

Estate Planning Lawyer

"I think that this is really cutting edge marketing that is so desperately needed at this time and so you really, at the beginning, inspired me and created a lot of optimism and hope and excitement so thank you"

Shawn Sasooness

Immigration Lawyer

"So many of these same ideas and tools that he provides, we've implemented into our law firm and if you're looking to build your book of business, you're looking to automate the process in which your law firm operates, these are all amazing tools that Sam is providing in the Legal Funnel. It works. It really does work!"

Employment & Personal Injury Lawyer

Josh Goldstein

Immigration Lawyer

"I've been practicing law for a really long time and I consider myself a pretty savvy business owner and marketer, and I took Sam's class already knowing quite a bit about ClickFunnels, and I thought it was an outstanding course!"

Alexis Katz

Founder of New Law Business Model

"I think that this is really cutting edge marketing that is so desperately needed at this time and so you really, at the beginning, inspired me and created a lot of optimism and hope and excitement so thank you"

Sid Peddinti

Non-Profit & Business Lawyer

"LegalFunnel has been an amazing investment for me, It has returned at least 10x in revenue for me so far. I sell all kinds of legal services and we use LegalFunnels across the board in everything that we do."

Donovan Francis

Immigration Lawyer

"Sam you've been providing me with the practical tools that I'm able to use, we're talking about email, the actual email templates that I'll be including in my systems, and I find that with very beneficial. I'm also very impressed by the whole marketing, the ClickFunnels side of things, just the idea of knowing I'll be able to automate the marketing process, for me that is huge."

Landon Smith

Estate Planning Lawyer

"Have to say, it was really an incredible training, just tons of actionable steps and real material that an attorney can take and implement it in their practice and then see their practice grow."

Jasmine Brunson

Trademark Lawyer

"Every question that I asked he was knowledgable and he knew the answer. And if he didn't he either pointed me to someone who did or he gave me a resource that would fulfill my questions. All in all, it was great and I highly recommend it"

Liran Aliav

Estate Planning Lawyer For Homeowners

"This review is for Legal Funnel and Sam Mollaei, he helped me get set up with my Legal Funnel and I've been seeing a steady increase in my revenue since implementing his strategies. They work. They are great. And Sam is the man. Hopefully you guys will use him as well, I've had great success!"

Jacob Saposhnick

Immigration Lawyer & Social Media Wizard

"The LegalFunnel System is unbelievable, the steps, the ease of use, the kind of leads that you can get with precision using the funnel is unbelievable so I highly recommend that any attorney that is struggling with automation, with getting leads, with paying all of these marketing companies thousands of dollars with no results to go ahead and try LegalFunnel. This is the real deal."

Ian Almasi

Automation For Immigration Lawyers

"It was very simple and easy to understand. I think a lot of lawyers don't do much marketing because they're just confused and I think Sam did a very good job of distilling the information into nice little bite sized steps that appealed to every different type of learning style"

Michael Wiser

National Security Lawyer

"When I started out this program I really wasn't sure about any structure, or how to get clients at all, where to start first, and this has really  given me the architecture to customize to my own firm what I need to get going."

Sid Peddinti

Non-Profit & Business Lawyer

"LegalFunnel has been an amazing investment for me, It has returned at least 10x in revenue for me so far. I sell all kinds of legal services and we use LegalFunnels across the board in everything that we do."

Thomas Petrelli

Divorce & Family Lawyer

"I tried to learn this stuff on my own and it was unsuccessful, but this laid everything out for me in such a way that it was perfect, thank you."
Even More Success Stories...
Watch Sam Mollaei's Story Before Your Call...
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